FUG 16

Bordfunk Gerat Fug 16 Z

This set was build in 1943 by Lorenz.

It is a VHF transmitter, used in fighterplanes like Messerschmitt BF 109. But also the ME 110.

It was remote-controlled from the cockpit. The transmitter-receiver itselves was located in the balley of the fighter plane.

Also it could be used as a direction finder.

 Fug 16 Z front

Picture above:

 Frontview of the Fug 16 Z. Here you can see the servo’s for remote controlling the set. One at the right for the transmitterpart, to change frequency, and one in the mid, for shifting the receiver frequency about 30 Khz, up and down.

Fug 16 Z up

Upperside  Fug 16 Z. At the left the receiver part, in the mid, the LF part and at the right the transmitter part, with 2 valves RL12P35 in the power amplifier stage.

Fug 16 Z back

Backside Fug 16 Z.


The FUG 16 in the inside of the Messerschmidt ME 109 fighter plane. It was controlled at the pilot seat by a remote control.

Some time ago I purchased finally after years a original cabinet for it. I only had to buy the cabinet together with a FUG 16 ZY. Which was missing some parts in it. But now the FUG 16 Z is all complete and original. A separate cabinet is very hard to get and expensive nowadays.

See the pictures below.




                    The picture below is the FUG 16 ZY. Without a cabinet :). Maybe still a extra cabinet in future?




Posted in German_arircraft radio.