WS 11

Transmitter Receiver type Wireless Set no. 11.

Australian version.



This is my army transmitter-receiver WS no. 11 Australian in working condition on 7 Mhz..

It was manufactured by A.W.A. Amalgamated Wireless Australasia.



A close look at the front.  The frequency control and the HF powerindicator meter.



The chassis above with in the midle of the picture, the 807 poweramplifier tube, also the PA coil.



The under side of the chassis.



The transmitter dynamotor supply. This is activated when the transmitter is working on high output level. It supplies the extra high voltage of 350 volts to the poweramplifier tube 807 for increasing the ouput power.



The low power dynamotor supply unit. It is activated when the receiver is working and also supplying HT voltage of 220 volts to the poweramplifier on low output selection.



Both the powersupplies


The wireless Set no. 11 australian in a truck no..  1. This is a original waretime picture.


At last the original schematic paper of the WS 11. This paper was also put to the undercoverplate of the chassis.


Wireless Sets no 11 under test,  in a service division of the Australian army.

Posted in Australian-army-navy radio ww2.

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