KWEa Short wave receiver
“Kurzwellen Empfanger a (Anton)”
- This receiver was in use by the “Wehrmacht”, especialy in radio vehicles.
- This KWEa is an early type of 1941 and in fully working condition.
- It has 11 tubes of the type RV2P800.
- Frequency range: 980-1020 Kc in 5 bands.
A view inside the receiver. Very well visible are the tubes RV2P800 in there sockets. Right is shown the 2 gasfilled bulbs for protecting the HF-input. Very high voltages due to lightning in heavy thunderstorms are fed back then through them to earth. The various coil sets for the several frequency bands above right are turned around via a kind of “Maltheser Kreuz” principle. When it begins turning, the contacts are lifted (open contacts), then the coil set turnes to its position, stops turning and after that the contacts are closing again. In this way the contacts are kept pure and clean.
Below some other pictures of the beautiful receiver from the inside on the testbank.
Front inside with front removed, watch the beautiful wave lenght scale.At the left the pushbuttond for rading the correct currents of each tube, and the low tension voltage of 2 volts, the high voltage of the powersupply.
Medium wave stage upside at the left. Just in the lower mid the test voltmeter.
Testing the voltages of the different stages.
The beautiful frequency band scale. Each band a different color.