Wireless transmitter no 76.


The Wireless Transmitter no 76 was also  used also in the Battle of Arnhem at the Rear Link contacts to London. See discriptions in the posts Wireless set no 22 and receiver R109.

This transmitter can be only used on CW, telegrafie.  It is crystal controlled and has 6 channels. It delivers about 10 watts carrier output. There are only 2 equal valves in use, the ATS 25. Also 2 spares are inserted inside.

Inside is, as a power supply, a rotary transformer power supply for 500 volts. Input voltage is 12 volt DC.

My transmitter is in good, original and working condition. Inside and outside. There are 3 crystals inside in use for me, as a licensed radio amateur,  in the 80 meter amateur band. Lately also one for the new 60 meter amateur band.

The CW key is a no 9-a type, which is also there.

WS 76 1

Front of my Wireless transmitter no 76.

Wireless trans 76 005

Another look at the transmitter with the cables and the 100 ft wire antenna.

Wireless trans 76 003

The Wireless transmitter no 76 with the receiver R 109 a (T). The R109a was used with the Wireless transmitter no 76.

Wireless trans 76 006

My whole “Arnhem collection”. The WS no 38 mk2 and mk2*, The WS no 19 HP, The WS no 22, Wireless  transmitter no 76, R109 AT and the American portable set, BC 611.

At the left the Wireless set no 19 mk 3 Canadian, the Wireless set 101 Australian, the Wireless set no 11 Australian , the Wireless set no 62 mk2, they  were not in use at Arnhem.

It seemed, that the Wireless set no 62, manufactured in the late 1945,  was used later in the war, at the Rhine crossings?


The very often published picture of the Wireless transmitter  76/receiver R109 combination in use with the Airbornes at Arnhem. Probably the phantom group for reporting to the press of the BBC in London?

lewis golden

Another picture from the Wireless transmitter  no 76 and receiver R109 published in the book of the author Lewis Golden.

Below some pictures of experiments with the Wireless transmitter no 76 and receiver  R109-a, as a radio amateur,  in the back of my garden.

The weather was beautiful, so it was a pleasure to listen to the several amateur stations, at day time on 40 meters and at evening time on 80 meters. The antenna was a dipole antenna, stations were heard in mode single side band and CW.

Some contacts with stations  were made on 80 meters in mode CW only. None on 40 meters, by lack of crystals for that frequency. But the set is suitable for that frequency. Signal reports on 80 meter were very well.

Posted in British-wireless-sets-and-receivers.


  1. Good luck with the WS 76 I am still waiting to have one in my collection.

    • Hello,
      Yes, ir is a very nice transmitter, also for radioamateurs to work with it in CW. Crystals could be find in the surplus market for the 80 meter amateurband.

  2. Hi Peter,
    I have a 76 transmitter in I consider good condition although I guess it’s needs some TLC and cap changes now.
    The rotary converter is missing and I do not have any circuit diagram or other layout information.
    I would appreciate any or all information you might have available if that is possible.
    I also have two complete TCS transmitters and receivers but no connecting plugs or sockets, the receivers I have had from the 1960’s working but not the transmitters primarily due to lack of circuit information.
    I like very much the range of equipment in your shack and you must be very proud of it all,especially if all is in operable condition.
    I look forward to receiving a reply from you.

    Regards Chris G0HFX

  3. What a superb collection and in good looking condition,as a kid I remember that “Army Surplus” was at a give away price,now it is worth a fortune not just in money,but for the history it represents,regard Colin.

    • Hi Colin,
      Thank you for your comment. It was sure not easy to get such a complete and fully original, in- and outside, WS 76. And it works. I made already several CW qso’s with good results and good signal.
      Regards Peter.

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