
Radione equipment.

Although these radio’s, like a R3 receiver and a RS20 transmitter,  are not  in my collection anymore, I decided to keep the whole post in my website. This because a lot of documentation and pictures is in it. Probably people can make their advantage of it.

But.….. a little time ago, I purchased a new Radione R3. This because it is just such a beautiful and handy shortwave receiver. See pictures below.



The R3 is a beautiful and well working receiver. Only the cabinet and front has been repainted.  But it is a good original color. Also the vibrator power supply is missing. But maybe it can be placed from a spare receiver in future.

This equipment was used by the Navy (Kriegs Marine), often on small ships.

Also it  was also in use by the German Abwehr and even by the Wehrmacht in bunkers.

The receiver type R 3 was used in combination with a small transmitter called RS 20, but also with the transmitter Lo40K39f. Frequency covering for the the R 3 is 2 Mc-25 Mc. The tubes inside the receiver are all different and are also  called: “Stahlhelm Rohre”. It has a build in  power supply for 110 120  or 220 volts and a vibrator supply for low voltages like 12 or 24 volts.

The transmitter RS 20 covers 3.000 Kc – 14.600 KC in 3 bands. It is for AM, CW and MCW. With this combination I made so many excellent qso’s in the 80 meterband, crystal controlled with AM.

The RS 20 transmitter.



radione opstelling

Tuned at 3705 Khz.

RadioneR3 aftemschaal


Here an original picture of a wireless operator or “Wehrmacht Funker”, working with the RS 20 and R3 in a bunker. Left a DR 78 transmitter/receiver, made by many manufactories , for example also Philips, in WW2.

Posted in German Army Navy.