Torn. Fu. b1

This is a transmitter receiver which was in action by the troops in the frontline. Or also used in small cars like the “Kubelwagen”.My set is of the year 1936, is fully in working condition on Phone or CW in the 80 meter radioamateur band with only 400mW output at the antenna.

Watch the text “Feind hort mit” on the front. It is a warning for the radio operator that the enemy is listning too. So mind your words.




The first picture  the Torn. Fu b1  near the receiver KWEa . The second and thirth  picture,  the Torn. Fu. b1 in action at the radio fielddays at Kootwijkerbroek in 2002. It is me on the second picture working with it. The antennais a replica toploaded vertical, a copy of the original one. I made at this field day many pleasent qso’s with the mobile station PA0LCD, now PA0AM, Cor, in the neighbourhood of Kootwijkerbroek. The Torn. Fu b1 was doing very well with its 150mW phone modulation. My experience is, working amateur stations at a bigger distance, only CW is suitable, because it’s low power output.


Picture above: German Army on his way with the Torn. Fu b1 as a man pack at his back. At the back of the left soldier, the battery case  of the B-1.


Funker somewhere in winter Russia.


Funker in Trench, where?

Posted in German Army Navy, German receiver Tornistor Empfanger b 1.