Continuum observation Cassiopeia Cas A.

For the first time I made a continuum observation from radiosource in our Galaxy. The supernova remnant Cas a.

But what is a continuum observation.

Continuum sources produce steady, broadband noise. Broadband noise, also in a radiospectrum. In an observation of it, we can measure the signal strength of this broadband noise.

But what is a supernova.

A supernova is an explosion of a large star(sun) in our Galaxy. This explosion happens in the starsystem Cassiopeia. This explosion starts with a very large image of light. The brightness of a lot of suns together. After this explosion a supernova remnant exist. Much gas is throwing away into the galaxy. A kind of ring of gas arises then. And that at a distance of 11000 light years away from us. In the picture below an röntgen image of the supernova remnant (photo NASA). The X-ray image shows an expanding shell of hot gas produced by the explosion. But supernovae are most common in the universe. The exist about every 10 seconds.

Cas A produces not only x-ray radiation, but also a large radio noise emission with a very broad spectrum, from 1 GHz to upwards in frequency. And is one of the strongest radio sources.

At CAMRAS, the manager of the radio telescope of Dwingeloo, they do many radio astronomical observations of our galaxy. Not only continuum observations, also observations of pulsars etc. Pulsar observations are often used in a demo to the public during summertime.

So sometimes also from the supernova Cassiopeia, Cas a. With the 25 meter telescope, they align the antenna within 0,5 degree to a that radiosource. And track it constantly. Because we have to deal with the rotation of our earth.

As a volunteer of CAMRAS, it was possible to make an observation on my own with that telescope. In the past I did that with observation of the H-line of our galaxy. So now I like to do this with a continuüm observation of Cas a. At a frequency of 1296,200 MHz.

What did I use for this observation:

A RTL SDR V3 dongle as a receiver. The HF input connected to the telescope antenna.

The RTL SDR connected by a USB cable to the USB input of a PC laptop.

Used software is SDR# for the SDR dongle and SpecLab for measuring the signal. The SpecLab software contains a plotter program. With the plotter we measure the the relative field strength against time. SpecLab receives a noise audiolevel from the SDR and puts the level in this plotter.

The audio from SDR# will be leaded to the SpecLab program by a program Virtual Audio Cable. so no need for external audio in- and output entries. Most laptops don’t have them both. only an external audio output

How do we do the observation of Cas a.

We do it with the aid of the 25 meter radio telescope of Dwingeloo as the antenna.

First we start up SDR #. We tune the receiver to 1296,200 Mhz. The gain of the SDR to half shell. We set up the audiolevel at a correct level.

After this, we start up SpecLab. In SpecLab we do the necessary settings. How the settings are, depends from the signal strength of the radiosource to the HF input of the SDR. Then we start up the plotter. In the plotter we do several settings, like settings in the tab “watchlist”. And in “horizontal” tab we make the correct setting for the relative field strength scale in the plotter screen. Also in the tab “horizontal” the scrolling speed of the plotter. It is all a bit of trying it out, when you do the observation for the first time.

Then we start up the radio telescope and align it to Cas a. When aligned exactly to the az/el coordinates, we see then a certain increased strength level on the plotter screen. If unsufficient, increase the gain of the SDR a bit. But in such a way, that the signal/noise ratio is not getting worse.

When sufficient, and all the settings are correct, we point the telescope about -3 degrees in azimut to the left of the radiosource. We see that the signal strength level is decreasing in the plotter screen.

Now we erase the memory of the plotter, the plotter start up again, a new offset trace is appearing.

After a smal delay, we align the telescope to a new position in azimut of 3 degrees right of the source. (+3).

At the plotter screen there will be appearing a maximum of signal strength. A small top. so first level low, then a maximum and after that the first low level.

This maximum is the exact position in azimut of Cas a. The correct elevation will be tracked constantly by the telescope. His position would be changed a bit because of the rotation of our earth. So off course the azimut.

In the plotter screen I saw a signa strength of about 2 db above thermal noise (offsetlevel) . That could be better. A 6 db level is possible. By increasing the sensitivity by increasing the gain of the SDR we could reach that level. I will try it out another time.

It is amazing that we detect this radiosource in our Galaxy, in this case Cassiopeia Cas a, at a distance of 11000 light years away from us. Real weak signal.

And that with a small RTLSDR V3 dongle as a receiver.

Of course we had the help of that large 25 meter telescope, gain 55 db, and a LNA especially for 23 cm, build by G4DDK. But still. We are, as CAMRAS, in a privileged position for using that mighty telescope antenna!

Below some pictures (own pictures) of the line up of the observation in the observation room of the radio telescope and the plotter screen with the maximum top of the signal strength.

Pictures above (own picture): in the first picture just visible in the mid the RTL SDR connected to the antenna panel. At the panel just below, we see the HF inputs of the used CAMRAS home SDR, an Ettus B210. The black box just below the control console computer of the telescope.

Picture above: left the SDR # screen, at the right the SpecLab screen with plotter. In the plotter the maximum level top of the observed radiosource. 11000 light years away!

Yesterday I was again at the radiotelescope of Dwingeloo. We had a EME SSTV session there, which was most pleasant.

But I made also a new continuum observation of Cas a with the telescope. The former observation was not satisfactory for me. That could be better, I thought. I made some new adjustments. Adjustments in the plotterprogram of SpecLab and I switched off the AGC in the RTL SDR.

The effect was amazing. Much larger signal of Cas a. In the picture below a screenshot of the plotter screen. You see 2 peaks in it. That’s because I moved the telescope twice in azimut at Cas a.

So was very satisfied now about this result :).

Hydrogyn line 21 cm

In this post I like to publish the way making the 21 cm radio signals of the socalled spiral arms of our galaxy, visible on the screen of my PC. I like to demonstrate the presense of numerous the spiral arms in our galaxy. It is another interest of mine.

To understand what I mean by making it visible, first some explanations about what is a galaxy and how it looks like. We call a galaxy also a milkyway.

In the pictures 1 and 2 we see an artist impression how our galaxy looks like from above. It consist of a core or bulge in the mid and several moving socalled spiral arms, starting from the core in the mid. In the spiral arms are a lot of sun systems. A sun system consist of a sun in the mid with around it several planets. In one of the arms, called the Orion arm, our sun system is located in the mid of it. Our earth is one of the planets in our sun system.. More planets are Mars, Jupiter, Venus etc..

In our galaxy or milkyway, there exists a large spectrum of radiation with different wavelenghts or frequencies, called the electromagnetic spectrum. Like radio, atomic hydrogyn, infra red, optical or visible light, röntgen and gamma. Most of them are dangerous for our health. For instance gamma is very dangerous, but our atmosphere form a protecting shield for this.

We can divide the whole spectrum into 10 maps of wavelengths.

In the picture below 10 Multiwavelength maps, seen in a flattened view of our milkyway. In each map we see in the mid the core or bulge of our galaxy. These maps are seen from the side of the galaxy.

For making visible the spiral arms of our Milkyway, mentioned in the Header above. We use the Atomic Hydrogyn map in the picture above. The second map from above.

In this map we see the electromagnetic hydrogyn gaz emissions. We are able to receive this emission on a radio receiver.

That hydrogyn is neutral hydrogyn gaz, called H1. This gaz has the chracteriststic to send out a radiosignal at a frequency of 1420.402 Mhz. Or 21,1 cm wave length. Not a clean carrier but a signal with a broad spectrum of about 2 Mhz. With a maximum at 21,1 cm.

Again: In picture 1 and 2 an artist impression, how we see our galaxy from above and we can notice these spiral arms in visible light, from all the suns in it. But more kind of emissions, like IR, gamma x-ray. We see the Perseus arm, the Cygnus Orion arm. Also we see the location of our sun, which is located in one of the side branches of the Orion arm.

In picture 3 a visible impression of an other galaxy.

Between these sun ystems, the interstellar space, and there is a lot of neutral hydrogyn gaz (H1). The H1 atom consists of only one proton and one electron. When the tollong or spin of the electron is different for a moment from the tollong of the proton, radio emission occurs. But that happens only once in a million year. Actually it is forbidden law, but it still happens once in that million year. See picture below.

But because there are so many H1atoms, there exist enough emission to detect it. This with a maximum at 21,1 cm wavelengh. The radio emission is not a clean signal but it is noise emission with a bandwidth of 2 Mhz, but in that 2 Mhz a maximum noise signal at 21, 1 cm.

Foto 1, 2 and 3.

The artist impressions from the pictures above are pictures we never can see them from our position on earth. Because we only can see these arms one after the other in one flattened of dish. So our galaxy is a kind of dish with in the mid a thickening, the core. See picture below in visible light.

Or we have to build ourselves a space aircraft to go to upper side of our Galaxy and take a picture. But because of the state of the art, it takes thousands of lightyears to reach that point, and that is not possible. The distance is to large! The diameter of our galaxy is 100.000 light years. We have to travel more then 100.000 lightyears! To give an impression about distance: one light year is what the visible light, radio emission has the same speed, travels in one year with a speed of 300.000 km per second! That is why we speak of lightyears instead of km or miles. To decrease the amount of figures.

But how do we know, how our Galaxy looks like the same as the artists impression from above? How can we see that there are more arms then what it looks like one,we can see from our position up to the sky?

When we look at night with a clear sky upwards, , we see a broad glowing strip. This is our milkyway. We see all the arms as one arm. because we it from our position like one. See picture below.

We can demonstrate that there are other arms with the aid of a physical law, called the doppler frequency shift and applied in a software program.

But what is doppler frequency shift effect.

When an object moves towards us and moves away from us, the sound frequency is first increasing and later decreasing.

Example for instance: a train is passing you when you are waiting in front of a closed railway crossing. The train with a foghorn on, moves from the left to the right direction. You sure notize the frequency shift of the tone of the horn. Just try it out. When it approches you the tone frequency increases, when it just passes in front of you, you hear the original tone frequency of the horn, when it deletes you, the tone frequency decreases.

In our galaxy all these spiral arm moves away from the core. See picture 2, in clockwise direction. We ourselves are situated in the Orion arm. The Centaurus arm is moving much faster in relation to our sun, so earth in the Orion arm. So the Perseus moves slower.

So if we look to the outer Perseus arm, it runs slower. So we overtake the Perseus arm in speed. Also can be said, that the Perseus arm is approching us.

Compare this situation with the train. The train is approaching us, when comming from the left to our location in front of the railway passage. So the radio emission of a gaz cloud in the perseus arm is increasing in frequency! Just because oif the Doppler. In case of the Centaurus arm: we delete this arm. So its frequency is decreasing ( compare that train).

And these facts, we are using in a software program on our PC.

Our milky way is divided in 4 quadrants, number alpha, beta, gamma en delta.,

See picture below.

The Perseus arm, we spoke about, is in the alpha quadrant. The other arms in the gamma and delta quadrant are difficult to detect, because of the core is between our quadrant and the others.

When we run the program, we see at the right an FFT screen. The x-axis represents the frequency shift of the H1 radio emission. The y-axis represent the power or the strength of the emission. See pictures below.

The software I am using is SDR# with IF Average. This gives the screen above. At the right we see then the results of the H1 emissions from the different spiral arms. All these frequencies of these peaks are higher in frequency then the real frequency of H1 emission, 1420, 402 Mhz. (1420, 402 Mhz is our situation just in front of the railway passage, where the train is passing us).

This situation happens for instance when we pointing our antenna to the position of a longitude of about 150 degrees in quadrant alpha, pointing to the star system Perseus. See picture 2.

With the software program, we can demonstrate the presence of several spiral arms in our galaxy. In the FFT screen we see the peaks, each peak is a maximum emission of a gaz cloud in the spiral arm.

So by means of radio, we can demonstrate, that there are more spiral arms, the then only one we see visible. With a optical tescope we never can demonstrate that.

By making several FFT’s from different coordinates, we can construct a map of our milky way.

Some history:

The first systematic investigation of HI in the Galaxy was made in The Netherlands at Kootwijk by van der Hulst, Muller, and Oort (1954). The Dutch group used a reflector from a German radar installation used in WW2. Called the “Great Würzburg” type, 7.5 m in diameter.
They made the first map of our milkyway. See picture below. IAt the stairs of the Würzberg cabin Lex Muller.

About the galactictic coordinate system, seen in picture 2:

In picture 2 we were pointing our antenna to, for instance, the coordinates Perseus. Every sun or star system in space has its own coordinates. The coordinates is the galactic coordinates system in degrees of longitude and latitude. These coordinates are always realtime. Always the same degrees. To point your antenna to an object we have to convert the galactic coordinates into the azimutal system in degrees. Azimut and elevation settings of your antenna. And of course you have to follow that position, because our earth is rotating. To keep the direction of your antenna to the location.

A very helpful program can be downloaded from internet, called Stellarium. In Stellarium you can trace all the stars and star systems in space in and outside our galaxy. Also our planets in our sun system. When we choose the star system Perseus, the coordinates of both systems appear at the left above edge of the screen, realtime.

I use it always to point my antenna to an object. And keeping it.

A very interesting program.

But the signal strengh of these emissions are very , very weak. All below the offset of the noise level of our receiver. It is so weak, that we have to use in the software socalled FFT, Fast Fourrier Transform. a mathemethical calculation. The program is measurung the strengh of the emission in a band width of 2 Mhz. The does it over and over again. All these measurement are stored. It does it over and over again and averages the total of measurements out every time. Finally we get the picture of the peaks.

Also the strengh of the final peaks depend on how much gain your antenna has. I am using a parabole antenna with a diameter of 1,5 m. As a receiver a RTL SDR V3 dongle Also using a low noise amplifier (LNA), selectiv for 1420 Mhz. Especially the gain and noise figur are important. My LNA is build by G4DDK, an English radio amateur. It has a noise figur of 0,2 at a frequency of 1420 Mhz db and a gain of 37 db. Especially the noise figur is very good! It is one of the best LNA’s there exist at this moment.

In the picture below, my antenna, a parabole, is to be seen at a demonstration at an open day of Camras at the terrain of famous radio telescope of Dwingeloo.The LNA is mounrtinted just to the input connector of the feed. You have less losses then when using a cable between the LNA and the feed input. Every db of loss counts!

On the picture below of it, you can see the PC’s for the software. Note that the left PC shows a picture which is the same as picture 2. On the PC at the right the FFT screen. My homemade parabole antenna is pointing to Cassiopeia, a star system, existing of 6 stars.

But where that demonstration at that open day of the founding of CAMRAS? Wel, I am a volunteer, active in the founding of CAMRAS.

CAMRAS manages the former restaurated radio telescope of Dwingeloo. It has a parabole dish diameter of 25 meters. The gain of only the parabole without LNA is 55 db! They do observations in the radioastronomie field. Also they can use the telescope for EME (earth moon earth) purposes, and tracking satellites. Very interesting applications.

Picture below shows the advantage of more gain of a 25 meter diameter dish. I made an observation with my software and RTL SDR V3 dongle with it. A LNA is mounted already in the focusbox , located in the focal point in front of the dish of the telescope. The result is a much larger peak in the FFT screen.

It is an observation with the parabole aligned to Cepheus, a star system. Watch the large peak due to the large gain of the telescope antenna of about 55 db plus gain of the LNA, at a frequency of 1420,402 Mhz.

A nice result.

German FUG 10 aircraft installation.

German FUG 10 airforce radio installation

FUG 10 means: Funk Gerät 10.

The Fug 10 is a very complex radio communicationsystem for communication  between airoplane to airoplane (Bord zu Bord) and from airoplane to ground (Bord zu Boden). It consists of several receivers and transmitters for the shortwave and long wave and a lot of remote controlls. In other circumstances it is combined with navigation purposes. (Peil G6 with EZ6 receiver, then called Fug 10 P).

The transmitters are very stable in frequency, by using special temperature compensating arangements  in the oscillator circuit. Consider, that this oscillator is not crystal controlled. The heat inside the cabinet is very high, because the principle is a MOPA transmitter in a very small cabinet. The oscillator valve is RL12P35, which much deliver much driving power to the power amplifier. This power amplifier has to deliver about 60 watts to the antenna at CW mode, by use of 2 RL12P35’s.

Kl-details-Lorenz-C5-Block-1-2 (1)

This arrangement was not only the use of ceramic material, but also a special condenser block in the circuit of the oscillator. Just see the picture above.

These condensers had a big dielectric loss with a particular temperature coefficient. More about this a extended explanation in the post EZ6 DIRECTION FINDER.


Displayed in the picture above my Fug 10 equipment. It is in working condion! I use the the short wave transmitter and receiver in the 80 meters amateur  band and made several contacts. The frequence stability is amazing!

Most units (EK,EL,SK FBG3, SchK13 and U10E ) are in working condition. Upper row “Funkerschaltkasten (switchbox), EK receiver  (shortwave 3-6 Mc), EL receiver (long wave 300-600 Kc). Mid row “Fernbediengerat” FBG3 (tuning the antenne tuners, switching antennes etc.), SK (shortwave transmitter), SL (longwave transmitter). Lower row “Eigenverstandigung Verstarker” RG 10 (intercom amplifier etc.) , “Umformer” U10 e (rotating power transformer for the receivers).At the back of the rack are placed, not visible on the picture,  the AAG2 antenna tuner and the transmitter  rotary transformer U10S.

The picture below an older version of my FUG 10.


On the left lower row, a important control unit, the FBG 3, explained later in the post. At the front 2 knobs for tuning the AAG for matching the antenna to the transmitters for long wave and short wave. One knob for long wave (blue) and the other for short wave (red) . This knob is mechanical attached to a synchro motor system. In the mid the antenna current meter. With the big switch, with scale, in the mid, you can switch the transmitters either for long wave are short wave and which antenna to be chosen. Normally one short  antenna f

or short wave, and a long antenna, the trailing antenna, for longwave. It is possible to change the long wave transmitter from trailing antenna to short antenna, so the short wave transmitter from the short one to the long one. This in case, one of the antennas is broken.


In the above picture you can see at the left de ADb ‘s (Anschluss Dose ). In this case a ADb13 type. It is a remote connectionbox for the microphone-telephones in the oxygencaps of the crew. At the right the U-10-e rotarytransformer for the receivers.


On this picture above,  you can see the trailing antenne  type AH-10. At the front of the “Funker Schalt Kasten” is a switch to move the antenna wire up or down. Also a indication meter is placed, for how far the trailing antenna is released.

The FUG 10 with the fully working AAG 3. Note that the trailing antenna is also there, which came later in the collection.


The vacuumrelay for the antenna.

The inside of the AAG. Left the vacuum relay. When pushing down the CW key, the relay comes up. When releasing, it falls down again after a few seconds. This is working very well and pleasant. Above the long wave variometer. Above the variometer, the indication scale of the tuned frequency, the same scale is on the FBG3 control. Both he scales are turning synchron with tuning.


Another view of the AAG. At the left, the short wave variometer to be seen. Just in the mid, the synchro -motor for driving the variometer coils. This motor is driving by a “Drehfeld  System” , a kind of electrical achs, coming from a same type of synchro in the FBG3. This synchro is turned by hand with a knob, with same scale as on the AAG, to tune the match.


Here the AAG on the testbank and wired up. To see if it is working. To the left the schematic of the manual. Lateron it is connected  to the FBG 3 at the FUG 10 display. And could be working from the FBG3 unit.


German Y-Peiler receiver SADIR R 87 E.

Some time ago, I bought a fine looking German receiver, the R87E SADIR.

It is a VHF directionfinder receiver, frequency covering 66 – 120 Mhz.

A picture is shown below.


The receiver was made in occupied France by for instance SADIR-Carpenter located in Paris.

It was used by the Luftwaffe as a direction finder in the Y-Peiler system. To find the location of the bomber plane groups, flying over Europe to the the german cities and industrial factory location to destroy them.

The code name was FuSan A81bb1 or Pulm SK. SK means short wave.

But to increase the frequency coverage in order to receive more ennemy frequencies, there were several  receivers with different frequency coverage. And different code names.

See a list in the picture below.

Y-Peiler Sadir

With the aid of other Y-Peiler stations, the could find the location of the squadrons, in order to intercept them  by delivering the info to the airfields centers with the  fighter planes.

The system was very effective.

An example, the use of my receiver, the type E:

In most allied bombers and fighterplanes, there was a transmitter receiver, the SCR 522, with TR 5053 of 10-150 Mhz, and the British type TR 1143, 120 – 150 Mhz. onboard for communication. The trx were crystal controlled. It had 4 channels in this range.

This trx also had a socalled “pip-sqeepe ” channel. Periodically , this channel transmiitted a short signal.  With the aid of the signal, directionfinder station on airfields in The UK, could determine the position of the bombergroups in that way. See also in the post             for explanation.

So the SADIR receiver, R87E, with frequency coverage 66-120 Mhz was very suiutable to receive this signal from especially the American bombers and fighters to locate them (TR 5053).

Below some pictures of the SADIR receiver as a Y-Peiler.

FuSAn_733_in. Sadir jpg

Picture above the SADIR receiver in the radio hut as a Y-Peiler.

FuSAn_733_box Sadir

Above the radiohut of the Y-peiler.


Picture above another Y-Peiler station.

In the picture below, a situation of the Y-Peiler system, called  Y- Stellung,  in German.


Below some pictures of the inside of my SADIR receiver. Because it was made in France, they used American radiotubes in it. The acorn tubes 954 and 955. Also the 6K7, 6L7 and 6Q7.

s-l1600 (7)

s-l1600 (6)

s-l1600 (1)

So this SADIR receiver is a very interesting VHF receiver. With a great history.

Aircraft receiver type EK3


The EK3 receiver,  the front panel.

Recently I purchased a new german receiver, the EK3. Which is pretty rare to purchase.

It is part of the aircraft installation, the FUG 10K3.

It was devoloped at the end of the war, about 1943. The matching transmitter is the S10K3.

It has a different frequency coverage. This to compare with the EK10 receiver of the FUG 10.

Frequency coverage is 6 – 18 Mhz.

It is suitable for mode A1 en A3.

It was used in conjunction with the normal used FUG 10 installation,  Also with a radiocompass Peil G6, a blind landing installation  FuBl 2 and with a seperate unit with the FUG 16. All these were mounted in the fuselage of a large aircraft, like Heinkel HE 111 or a Dornier.

The case was not there, but all was original inside, also the front was original. The case is a bit problem, because its dimensions are different from the case of a FUG 10/EK10 receiver.

Below some pictures of the receiver.


the backside.

$_85 (5)

the under view without cover plates.


A view of the other side.


Wireless set no. 19 mk 3 Canadian .

The wireless set no 19 was used in the field earia, in radio vehicles and also in tancs. It was, just like at tyhe britisch troops, a general purpose transmitter, providing 2,5 watts on phone and about 5 watts in CW.

Just on the top of the set, the crystal calibrator, a spare case box and CW morsecode key is to be seen.

WS 19 Canadian

Here is shown the WS 19 mk3 field radio complete.

WS 11

Transmitter Receiver type Wireless Set no. 11.

Australian version.



This is my army transmitter-receiver WS no. 11 Australian in working condition on 7 Mhz..

It was manufactured by A.W.A. Amalgamated Wireless Australasia.



A close look at the front.  The frequency control and the HF powerindicator meter.



The chassis above with in the midle of the picture, the 807 poweramplifier tube, also the PA coil.



The under side of the chassis.



The transmitter dynamotor supply. This is activated when the transmitter is working on high output level. It supplies the extra high voltage of 350 volts to the poweramplifier tube 807 for increasing the ouput power.



The low power dynamotor supply unit. It is activated when the receiver is working and also supplying HT voltage of 220 volts to the poweramplifier on low output selection.



Both the powersupplies


The wireless Set no. 11 australian in a truck no..  1. This is a original waretime picture.


At last the original schematic paper of the WS 11. This paper was also put to the undercoverplate of the chassis.


Wireless Sets no 11 under test,  in a service division of the Australian army.

WS 101

Wireless Set no 101 Australian transmitter/receiver.

The set has been used in WW2 by the Australian Army. The manufacturer is A.W.A. Amalgamated Wireless Australasia, a Australian manufacturer.


The whole set is in excellent condition. Also the inside is excellent.

Just a museum piece.






Below the pictures of the inside of the WS 101.

As you can see, like new. But still a wartime transceiver.

The pictures below, shows the beautiful inside of the transceiver.





The Wireless set no 101 Australian at the Australian Army.

Type 94-5

Japanese transmitter- and receiver, type 94-5

The 94-5 transmitter, model 32,  a small portable transmitter for the Japanese army for short distance. It was used in the Asian part  of the war front as a portable radio station between the battalions. The receiver, used with this transmitter, is the mark 32, a receiver with a regenerative detector.

The transmitter is a very nice constructed one, all the components are labelled by numbers, the functions of the controls on the front by text plates ,  ofcourse in the Japanese language. The various components, like condensors, variometer coils etc. are very small. The transmitter is like a treasure, a museum piece.

The transmitter can be VFO, or crystal controlled. The frequency range is in 3 overlapping frequency bands from 0,85 to 5,1 Mhz. The receiver has 4 overlapping frequency bands from 0,369 till 7,6 Mhz.

The output of my transmitter is about 150 mWatts on phone, on telegraphy about 500 mWatts, at a load of 50 ohm.

 It can be used for phone and CW.

The only tube in the transmitter is a double triode, type UZ12, also can be used the American type 19 with heatervoltage at 6 volt instead the 2 volts for the Japanese type UZ 12. In my transmitter I used the type 19.

The tubes in the receiver are UF134 RF amplifier, UF109A regenerative detector, UZ133D audio amplifier. No crystal controlled frequencies.

The powersupply is either a mark 19  manually (hand cranked) operated generator or dry batteries. The earial is a longwire with counterpoise.

For CW, both sections of the radiotube are connected in parrallel and function as a HF oscillator, driven by a crystal or acting as a variable oscillator, VFO.  By inserting the crystal, the oscillator changes automatically from VFO to crystal control. This by opening a closed contact by inserting it.

For phone, one section functions as a HF oscillator, the other one as a AM modulator, driven by a throat microphone. And that’s all for one tube!!

It should be mentioned, that the CW signal is quite stable in frequency if you use crystal control. A very steady and stable CW tone.

The crystals, being used, are special. Instead of the normally pin connections, it uses side connections, a smal plate is used for this, to make contact in the holder.

I already have made some qso’s with other radio amateurs in The Netherlands on the 80 mtr band with the mode CW.  My antenna was  a 20 meter dipole antenna, My report was RST 5.5.7.

The first picture explains the Japanese signs on the type plate.

Note the red plate in Japanese for “enemy listening too”. It is mentioned on every Japanese radio transmitter. This text is also mentioned often on german transmitters of WW2. So mind what you are saying!


The next pictures show the beautiful inside and outside of the transmitter. Even the earial HF current meter on the front is still working after all those years.


The front with 2 pictures on the lid, showing the schematic and the frequency calibration.

test demo

Test bank view.

Transmitter is connected to an external powersupply unit. HT is 150 volt DC from a regulated stabilised powersupply. LT is 6 volt DC from a lead acid battery. The last one makes a good hum free signal.


The case with leather covering. At the lid at the left of it the frequency calibration diagram, at the right the schematic diagram for service.

94-5 upper

The PA valve (19) with tank coil.


Another inside view.

94 5 ceystal controlled

The antenna current meter, indicating, the transmitter is working on test, by pushing the morse key.


A modified crystal base, using FT 243 crystals in it.


The frequency of the output signal on the frequency counter.

50 ohm dummy

The dummy load, impedance 50 ohm. Note reading on the scale is not calibrated in HF amperes, just an indication!


The schematic diagram, and my own notes, which explains all the functions of the Type 94-5.

Torn. Fu. b1

This is a transmitter receiver which was in action by the troops in the frontline. Or also used in small cars like the “Kubelwagen”.My set is of the year 1936, is fully in working condition on Phone or CW in the 80 meter radioamateur band with only 400mW output at the antenna.

Watch the text “Feind hort mit” on the front. It is a warning for the radio operator that the enemy is listning too. So mind your words.




The first picture  the Torn. Fu b1  near the receiver KWEa . The second and thirth  picture,  the Torn. Fu. b1 in action at the radio fielddays at Kootwijkerbroek in 2002. It is me on the second picture working with it. The antennais a replica toploaded vertical, a copy of the original one. I made at this field day many pleasent qso’s with the mobile station PA0LCD, now PA0AM, Cor, in the neighbourhood of Kootwijkerbroek. The Torn. Fu b1 was doing very well with its 150mW phone modulation. My experience is, working amateur stations at a bigger distance, only CW is suitable, because it’s low power output.


Picture above: German Army on his way with the Torn. Fu b1 as a man pack at his back. At the back of the left soldier, the battery case  of the B-1.


Funker somewhere in winter Russia.


Funker in Trench, where?

Tornister EmpFänger b

Tornistor Empfanger b (Bertha ).

The receiver is build in 1940 by Telefunken.

This shortwave receiver is a direct conversion, 2 stages HF , 1 “Audion” detector and a LF stage. All tubes are of the type RV2P800. The feedback or reaction gain in the detector stage is tuneble with the little knob below the small scale of it.    This makes the receiver suitable for CW and even SSB and becomes then very sensitive and selectief.

It is a very well working receiver for listning at the amateurbands.

The headphones is the DFha. The elements have an impedance of 2000 ohm.

It is used by the army (Wehrmacht) in the field, it could be carried on transport, at the back of the wireless operator.

It was also used in radio vehicles as a mobil station.

Tornistor E b

Tornistor Empfanger Bertha from 1940.

EWc up

This is the vibrator powersupply, type EWc,  for 12 volt DC. Used in vehicles.

EWc top

View on the upperside of the EWc. Left the vibrator and filement resistor lamp. At the right the spares.


Here in the mid, the vibrator powersupply, type EWb. In use for the Torn. Eb in portable situaties. The supply is the 2 volt DC from a lead battery. This battery is shown at the left, type 2B38. At the right a copy of the HT static battery for 90 volts DC.

All the 3 item are housed in a special battery case,  mounted just below the receiver.


Radione equipment.

Although these radio’s, like a R3 receiver and a RS20 transmitter,  are not  in my collection anymore, I decided to keep the whole post in my website. This because a lot of documentation and pictures is in it. Probably people can make their advantage of it.

But.….. a little time ago, I purchased a new Radione R3. This because it is just such a beautiful and handy shortwave receiver. See pictures below.



The R3 is a beautiful and well working receiver. Only the cabinet and front has been repainted.  But it is a good original color. Also the vibrator power supply is missing. But maybe it can be placed from a spare receiver in future.

This equipment was used by the Navy (Kriegs Marine), often on small ships.

Also it  was also in use by the German Abwehr and even by the Wehrmacht in bunkers.

The receiver type R 3 was used in combination with a small transmitter called RS 20, but also with the transmitter Lo40K39f. Frequency covering for the the R 3 is 2 Mc-25 Mc. The tubes inside the receiver are all different and are also  called: “Stahlhelm Rohre”. It has a build in  power supply for 110 120  or 220 volts and a vibrator supply for low voltages like 12 or 24 volts.

The transmitter RS 20 covers 3.000 Kc – 14.600 KC in 3 bands. It is for AM, CW and MCW. With this combination I made so many excellent qso’s in the 80 meterband, crystal controlled with AM.

The RS 20 transmitter.



radione opstelling

Tuned at 3705 Khz.

RadioneR3 aftemschaal


Here an original picture of a wireless operator or “Wehrmacht Funker”, working with the RS 20 and R3 in a bunker. Left a DR 78 transmitter/receiver, made by many manufactories , for example also Philips, in WW2.

Navy receiver LO 6 K 39, former German Kriegs marine.

Normally it was produced by the German manufacturer C. LORENZ AG, in Berlin Tempelhof, but also by  others, for instance in Austria during the “Anschluss” with Nazi Germany.

It is a amazing design for a TRF receiver.

LO 6 K 39 1

The receiver in the picture above is made by Schrag Ericson in Wien Austria. Typical are the missing name plates on the front, while on types, made by Lorenz, they are there.

On the blue nameplate, there is also a code  of 3 characters, called bvx. This means that the manufacterer is Schrag Ericson in Wien, Austria. Although on the Lorenz receiver, it is missing, only the date of manufacter is there. Normally BOU stands for Lorenz AG.

It was in use by the German Navy on their war ships like the Schwerer Kreuzer,  Prinz Eugen, Bismark for example.

Also used in the desert by the “AFRICA CORPS” of Rommel.


2 maal LO 6 K39

On the right another receiver, made by Lorenz. This one is working very well.

The Lo6K39  a is s a short wave TRF receiver, covering 8 frequency bands from 3000 kc till 25000 kc. There or more versions like the d type, which differ in frequency covering and some hardware.

It has 3 HF stages, for each frequencyband 6 tuning coils, 1 audion stage, 1 LF stage and 1 crystal calibrator stage. All stages contain a RV12P2000 penthode valve.

The receiver has a great selectivity!  Because it has 6 tuned circuits in front of the detector stage. Warning: don’t try realign these circuits, it will end into a failure!

Also a CW  LF filter at 800 Hz is included ( Tonsieb ). This makes this receiver to a excellent choice for detecting CW signals. Just a 8oo Hz tone, no noise etc..

Also the crystal calibrator workes well. It gives 100 Kc signals all over each wave band. However in my receiver, the Austrian one, it has been removed.

Furtheron, the receiver has been excellent screened at all fronts. Also the poersupply lines in side were also fed through by many chokes. Because they were very afraid, that the radiation of the detector would come outside the receiver. So would be noticed by the allied listning stations. But because of the 3 HF stages, it was most unlikely.


Another reason, the the German Kriegsmarine did had  chosen for a TRF receiver, instead of a super heterodyne concept, was:

They were very afraid for receiving socalled gost signals. Signals which were in fact not there. At the war ships, there were plenty transmitters in use, with their antennas close together. There might be very much spureous signals in case of a superheterodyne receiver.  At the TRF concept, is what you hear, is also really  there. No doubt about that.

The reaction of the audion stage is variable. The down left knob is a twin one , the centre knob is intended for the gain ( audio ), the outer one is a kind of frequency shift, from the centre of it’s scale you can vary the frequency 3 kc downwards and upwards. This workes very pleasant for receiving CW or SSB signals.

The audio impedance is 4000 ohm. A original headphones, a Dfha, is suitable for this.

The powersupply is inside the receiver cabinet.

The weight of the receiver is 65 kilo’s!



The schematic diagram.



LO6K service meter and switch4

On the above right corner is a little meter , you can measure the HT en LT  of the power supply. This doing by pressing or depressing the one of the 2 little knobs on the meter.  With the switch below, you can measure the kathode current of all the valves.

Just left above there is a black cover, which covers a neon lamp, this neon lamp protects the receiver input from the very high HF voltages from other transmitters on the ship (200 volts pp Voltage max.). The HF voltage part of the electro magnetic field, is very high, because of the short antennas , which establish this HV field especially and the high power output (hundreds of watts) of the transmitters in use.

Waveband drum

Above the view of the drum containing  the tuned circuits  units of each wave band. The coverplate has been removed for showing it.



A side view of the receiver, in the holes, the valves RV12P2000 are placed  in their sockets.

Waveband revolver fixation 8 steps

LO 6 part of revolver

The fixing plate (revolver system ) to fix the correct stand of the drum, for each wave band. The contacts are making correctly contact with the various stages in the receiver. With the big handle on the front panel, you can change the wave band. This by this revolver system. Very nice in this system is, that just before turning the drum, first the contact arms are lifted up, just after it, the drum is turning!  Then the drum is fixed correctly, just after that the contact arms are going down and make contact wth the contacts on the tuned circuits inside the drum. In this way, keeping the contact in good order! It is a amazing design!

LO6K39 018

Above the view of variable condenser for tuning the receiver. The cover plate has been removed for this purpose.

LO6K39 007

The beautiful tuning scale of the receiver. The receiver receives on wave band no 5, from 5,97 – 9, 00 Kc.

LO 6 K Scale lamp

The 12 volt lamp, for illuminating the frequency scale, just by lifting the cover. Also to see the handle for changing the wave band.

The case of the receiver.


This picture, I don’t know for sure, a Navy department, as a l istning station for the ships or Uboats abroad.  Varous receivers to be seen,


Unknown picture of the LO6K39. Maybe the Labor of the manufacturer, C. Lorenz AG in Berlin Tempelhof?  Hope someone can tell me. Pse your re. in  the comment below in this post.

NH 96462

Another rare picture of the LO6K39, in de radio room B (FunkraumB) on board the warship Prinz Eugen.  Just in the mid a contoll unit, for interfacing with the transmitter.

Finally some pictures of the replacement  of the contact fingers at the drum. Some  were broken. To do this, I had to dismantle the drum from the chassis. First dismantle the front, then unsolder the wirement of the radiotubes, the components and coils.

foto voorpagina

This was the receiver, where the contact fingers at the coil drum were broken. In beautiful condition, but not functioning.

To solve the problem,  I soldered new contacts from spare relais at the fingers. Then checked them in making contact with the drum contacts and rewired.  Put the whole thing together again, all bands were functioning again.

But it lookes all easy, but it was quit a job.

foto 1

Picture after removing the frontpanel. What a beautiful construction.

foto 4

Below the drum.



foto 3


The tuning capaciters, screening removed. Note in the mid, the potentiometer, which keeps the gain constantly over the whole range.



foto 2.

The removed  drum.

foto 6

Tuning capaciters removed, to acces the wiring.

dfoto 8

The new soldered contacts.

After the the project, I saw an advertisement on EBAY, of complete new contact fingers. A pity, I could buy  them not before. But maybe in future I will put them into the receiver.

foto 10

The new contact fingers.


KWEa Short wave receiver

“Kurzwellen Empfanger a (Anton)”


  • This receiver was in use by the “Wehrmacht”, especialy in radio vehicles.
  • This KWEa is an early type of 1941 and in fully working condition.
  • It has 11 tubes of the type RV2P800.
  • Frequency range: 980-1020 Kc in 5 bands.


A view inside the receiver. Very well visible are the tubes RV2P800 in there sockets. Right is shown the 2 gasfilled bulbs for protecting the HF-input. Very high voltages due to lightning in heavy thunderstorms are fed back then through them to earth. The various coil sets for the several frequency bands above right are turned around  via a kind of “Maltheser Kreuz” principle. When it begins turning, the contacts are lifted (open contacts), then the coil set turnes to its position, stops turning and after that  the contacts are closing again. In this way the contacts are kept pure and clean.

Below some other pictures of the beautiful receiver from the inside on the testbank.

KWEa front 1

Front inside with front removed, watch the beautiful wave lenght scale.At the left the pushbuttond for rading the correct currents of each tube, and the low tension voltage of 2 volts, the high voltage of the powersupply.


Medium wave stage upside at the left. Just in the lower mid the test voltmeter.

KWEa testbank 2

Testing the voltages of the different stages.

Frequency scale dial

The beautiful frequency band scale. Each band a different color.


 Charging generator GL.ERZ400 b

battery charger

ERZ front


The “GL. ERZ b” generator delivers 12 to 16 volts by 400 watts . This a very beautiful collectors item.

It was made by the manufacture  Auto Union, who was also the manufacturer of the well known auto autocar Auto Union, used by the Wehrmacht.

It was often placed in the turret of the german tanks like Panter and Tiger. Also seen in armoured car vehicle  “Panzer Spahwagen”, with the radio “Funksprech F” in it. It was ment to use it for charging the batteries, when the batteries of them were almost discharged.

Because of the high powerconsumption of the transmitters/receivers used inside of a tank, this happens sometimes, when the motor was not running. Batteries were sometimes too weak for starting the motor.To let the tankmotors running, the fuel consumption was high and also the noise of the motors. The generator was in that case, placed outside the tank and placed back in the turret, when not in use.. The generator did not make so much noise.

At the front was also a connection on it for direct feeding the radio’s in other situations.

ERZ side view

Here a side view of the generator.

ERZ side view 2

Another side view.

Erz handleiding

“Bedienungsanweisung” generator.