R 1224

RAF  R1224 A


This is the RAF R 1224 A receiver. It is a superhet receiver. It is part of the Station W/T portable Type 9.

Frequency range was 1,5 Mc – & Mc.

Output impedance 2000 and 8000 ohm.

Heater voltage 2 volt.


R 1147 A receiver

RAF  spitfire receiver R1147A

The R 1147 receiver is a homing receiver for use in a Spitfire aircraft, spitfires of the RAF P.R.U. squadron. P.R.U. stands for Photographic Reconnaisance Units. At that time these Spitfires had no radio of any kind. The receiver was remote controlled by a mechanical bowdencable (splineshaft) from the cockpit. A Mark 5B stopwatch was included in the system package for timing the beacon signals.

This receiver only existed for a short amount of time, starting March 1941. They were loaned from the Royal Navy for a test in that year, because the PRU squadrons needed the use of homing at that moment. Because of the receiver’s weaknesses, they were eventually replaced by the TR 1133 in 1942. The TR 1133 also had communication possibilities.

Frequency range of the R 1147 is 180 Mc-220 Mc. and used a small whip antenna on the aircraft.






The picture above displays the cockpit’s remote control R1147 receiver. It was placed beside the pilot and connected through a splineshaft cable to the R1147. This remote control unit looks just like the one placed on the front of the receiver. Watch the tuning scale on the side of the remote control unit. Markers at A, B, C and D

R 1116A pre war aircraft receiver.

R 1116A receiver,

a real museum piece.

This receiver, is what you call, a very old fashion radio receiver. A military design just after the “spark transmitters and receivers” episode  in WW1. They are very scarce to get now a days. That is why, it is one of my most favourite receivers in my collection.

The receiver is in an  entire original condition and working! Only the grid battery is a copy, see pictures below.

The R 1116A receiver is a later version of the R1116. It is a prewar aircraft receiver, which was used with the T 1115 transmitter. The aircraft was , for example,  the   British torpedo fighter “Swordfish”, which operates from aircraftcarriers at sea. The swordfish was wellknown  by actions against the German Bismarck, by attacking it with torpedo’s. Amazing fact is, that both the receiver and transmitter were placed just behind the pilot in the open cockpit. The pilot was also a radioman and gunner.

The receiver is a double superhet receiver. No  HF amplifier stage, just a tuned coil before the mixerstage,  first IF is 10,7 Mc, second IF is 100 Kc. The sensitivity is very well, and the bandwidth is small because of the 100 Kc frequency. Audio is sufficient because of the VR 35 final amplifier. My receiver is working very well . I’m using it also at the 80 meterband for AM, SSB and CW. Also provision is made for direction finding. The receiver can be switched  to 2  different parts, LF and HF. Each part can be switched into 3 different wavebands. Funny is, that the scale lightning  is changing by choosing either the LF or HF part, from the one to other scale.

The front of the receiver.


Another look at the under side of the chassis.  The LF stage and detector stage.


Just below the chassis Just left the variable condensors for pretuning the HF stage for the LF and HF part.


A simplified circuitdiagram of the receiver.  The diode at the input of the first mixer is for protecting the receiver for very strong transmitter signals. The diagram is only for one part and one frequencyband. It  has also a provision for an intercommunication  by means of the T7 microphone  connection. The preamp V6 and final  V7 is used then. V 8 is the CW oscillator. R 13 and R 16 are used for an external LF gain remotecontroll.

R 1082 pre war aircraft receiver.

R1082 receiver,

A real museum piece.

The receiver is all original from the out- and the inside.

Just like the R 1116 receiver, this is also one, which is a very scarce radio to get. A very simple design with only 2 tuned coils to determine the receiving frequency. One  for the HF stage, and one for the detektor stage. It is also, like the R1116 receiver, one of my favourite radio’s of my collection.

The R 1082 is a prewar aircraft receiver, used with the T 1083 transmitter. It is a TRF receiver , with 2 single coil  for each frequencyband.  One for the HF stage (below on the front) and one for the detector stage (above at the front). There are various freuqency wavebands.  The receiver could also been used for directionfinding purposes. For DF, at the head of the the HF coil, there is a symmetrical inputconnection for the cable of the loopearial. Directionfinding must be carried out  by means of  listing to the signal minimum. So no DF instrument. On the first picture a special (green) S-type coil (detector) is used. At the top of the coil, a spline cable for remote control can be attached. The meaning of this is only for readjusting the frequency a little bit. Only small  tuning is possible, otherwise you have to retune the HF stage also, when you make larger requency tuning.
It needs 2 volt for the heaters and 120 volts for the HT.


The above picture shows my receiver R1082. In front at the left the 2 volts heater battery and at the right  a couple of  coil sets for different frequency bands.


The receiver from the right side. Note  that  the aluminium case for the receiver  is put into a wooden case.


As seen above:  a close view of the front of the receiver. The cable for the PSU is homemade by lack of an original one.  The connector is made of a piece of teflon.


This is the coil set box, for the different frequency bands. A very hard to get box! Sure when it is complete and it is.


The schematic diagram.

R1082 a

The receiver R 1082 and transmitter T 1083 under test in an Australian Army service department.

Left the R 1082, right the T1083 under test.  Note the Aerial Artificial 1A on the shelve left, used as a dummyload for the T 1083.